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From: Mat Hall <mentat@sefl.satelnet.org>
Message-Id: <199406301648.MAA03265@sefl.satelnet.org>
Subject: Re: AMOS Pro Interface Language
To: ph@doc.ic.ac.uk (Paul Hickman)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 12:48:58 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: amos-list@access.digex.net
In-Reply-To: <"lorikeet.d.118:"@doc.ic.ac.uk> from "Paul Hickman" at Jun 30, 94 01:36:35 pm
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Paul Hickman said :
> Has anyone managed to create a decent interface with this yet? I can't!
Nope. The examples they give (Disk Mnager, etc.) are all very nice, but
the interface code for them is too complex to figure out - I just wrote a
bunch of procedures to do similar things. (I would distribute them, but
they are, shall we say, quirky. One day I'll get round to tidying them
all up...)
> Here are the main problems I have:
[... some problems ...]
> I hope MCox/RScott are reading this, and will add this to the list of things
> to be fixed in the next AMOS Pro update.
I haven't got any of the updates - I never got round to it. Has the
"Ctrl-C in direct mode crashes AmOSPro" bug been fixed yet? It really
gets on my nerves!
> P.s. We haven't had a procedure library update for a while now - Have you all
> stopped sending procedures? Why not send something to andrew church now.
I'll get right on to tidying up my interfacing procedures...